Star Wars Competition

Brickfest 2002

There were six entries in the Star Wars animation contest at Brickfest 2002. Right Click and save target as, because these movies do not stream well. The quality is low, but the sound is good and loud because people requested feedback on their movies. Enjoy the hand clapping and laughs! PLEASE NOTE: Due to technical difficulties at the fest, some movies were watched multiple times. I took the version that played well to put online. If you would like the messups (people laughed at certain parts of movies without sound) feel free to email me.

Entry 1: Star Wars Episode II Trailer
Paul Hollingsworth & Luke Krajcarskii

Entry 2: The Fight Against the Empire
Wolfgang Roehl & Thomas Roehl

Entry 3: Star Wars Trailer
Nate Burr (Bluntman)

Entry 4: Jedi Chronicles: The First Duel
Nick Maniatis (halidfw)

Entry 5: Lego Wars
Ben B.

Entry 6: Episode III: Rise of the Empire
Jay Silver (zirkusaffe)